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Local Law 196 requires all construction workers and supervisors to receive additional training. This 10 Hour Core Bundle includes two essential courses – 8 Hour Fall Protection and 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness. We combine these classes to save time and money for our students. This 10 Hour course is required for the Supervisor SST card, and can also be combined with the 30 Hour OSHA to complete the Worker SST requirement.
This course meets the city’s requirements for the Site Safety Coordinator license. It is a shorter safety management course designed for licensed architects and engineers, safety professionals, and workers with construction supervisor experience. Students will conduct a comprehensive review of safety guidelines and code requirements in NYC.
Local Law 52 requires that anyone using a supported scaffold to perform job tasks regardless of the height must complete a 4 hour user course. Topics of the course include fall hazards, falling objects, fall protection equipment, and electrical hazards. Workers must keep this card on them while working on a supported scaffold in New York City, and are subject to random inspections by Buildings Inspectors. The 4 Hour scaffold course is also a requirement for the Supervisor SST card.
A permit-required confined space is one that is not designed for continuous use, due to possible hazards from toxic materials, engulfment, asphyxiation, heat stress, electrical shock, unguarded machinery or other safety and health hazard. Examples of confined spaces include tanks, pipelines, pits, silos, and process vessels. This course prepares workers to recognize and mitigate hazards in these spaces.
This general awareness course concerns the hazards of lead exposure, especially when lead-containing materials are disturbed. Almost 95% of elevated blood lead levels among adults are work-related. Upon completion, students will understand hazards and health effects of lead exposure, how to determine the presence of lead, and how to control exposure.
Chemical exposure can pose a siginficant threat to workers. This course addresses hazardous chemicals and how workers can prevent and protect themselves from material hazards. It covers the HazCom (Hazardous Communication) Standard and Globally Harmonized System (GHS), as well as Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels.
OSHA requires employers to provide adequate training to workers requiring respirators for their tasks. Silica exposure is common in construction and demolition and constitutes a significant hazard. This awareness course covers the risks and best practices for silica exposure, as well as PPE, permissible exposure limits, training, and record keeping.
Concrete Safety Managers must renew their certification every 3 years with this refresher course. Students will review safe practices for concrete work in the urban environment of NYC, as well as new laws and standards.
In NYC, a Concrete Safety Manager (CSM) must be designated on all major buildings during the concrete portion of the project. This course covers common hazards with concrete work including forms and pouring. It also provides a review of NYC building code, local laws and bulletins, plus OSHA 1926, subparts C, E, X, Q, R and N. This course is required for the NYC CSM license.
The Construction Site Fire Safety Manager (CSFSM) conducts ongoing inspections of the site and all fire safety measures, and maintains a record when construction, demolition and alteration work is being conducted. Topics include fire code rules, safety requirements, and provisions for construction. Students will learn about fire safety plans, inspections, record-keeping, fire extinguishers, hot-work requirements, and industry best practices. This course is required for anyone seeking to complete the S-56 Certificate of Fitness from FDNY.
This course covers safe flagging techniques in accordance with New York State Department of Transportation and the National Safety Council. Topics include construction site safety, roadway safety, and the proper use of flagmen through an understanding of flagging procedures and proper use of required equipment. Certification must be renewed every 3 years.
This training is required for any worker who will use, operate, or work on a power-operated Mast Climber work platform in New York City. Topics include mast climber use and operation, associated hazards, pre-use inspections, startup and shut down procedures, emergency descent procedures, fall protection, stability and balance, and materials storage.
This refresher course is required every 4 years to renew the 32 Hour Rigging Supervisor certification. Learning topics include OSHA, DOB, and ASMA standards and policies, equipment inspection, crane setup, load weight and center of gravity calculations as well as methods of applying proper hitches. Hands-on exercises are included.
This course provides a review of the roles and responsibilities of rigging workers. Students will review hazard recognition and prevention according to OSHA and NYC DOB standards. The 8 Hour Refresher is required every 4 years after receiving an initial 16 Hour certification.
This course is required for an individual who supervises hoisting in NYC. Licensed riggers are exempt from this requirement. Training covers proper rigging techniques, inspection of equipment, proper hitches and load amounts, and a variety of important calculations. Students learn how to safely and effectively supervise and coordinate crews and setup.
This course is a requirement for an individual to perform rigging or signaling work in conjunction with the hoisting or lowering of articles on the outside of a building with hoisting equipment. Topics include an overview of OSHA and DOB policies, procedures, and ASME rigging standards, with a special emphasis on recognition and prevention of hazardous conditions.
For students with limited safety training who wish to fulfill all requirements for Supervisor SST, we offer this discounted package. It covers every class needed to complete Supervisor SST certification: Pre-task meetings, Toolbox Talks, Site Safety Plans, 8 Hour Chapter 33, 8 Hour Fall Protection, 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness, 4 Hour Scaffold, and four 1 Hour electives. The package is available with or without the 30 Hour OSHA.
This course bundle is required to complete Supervisor SST certification. It covers topics that all site supervisors must become familiar with: Pre-task meetings, Toolbox Talks, and Site Safety Plans.
This course bundle is required to complete Supervisor SST certification. It covers additional topics of importance for site safety in New York City: Job Hazard Analysis, First Aid, Fire Prevention, and Concrete and Masonry.
For workers who have not yet received any safety training, we offer this complete course package at a discounted price. The package includes 30 Hour OSHA, 8 Hour Fall Protection, and 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness. This fulfills the 40 hour training requirement for workers under Local Law 196.
The 30 Hour OSHA course goes further in-depth on 10 Hour OSHA topics and also explores areas such as environmental health hazards, concrete and masonry safety, confined spaces, cranes and hoists, scaffolds, fire safety, and more. 30 Hour OSHA is required for supervisors and is part of new Local Law 196 SST requirements. For workers, either the 10 Hour or the 30 Hour OSHA can be used towards SST requirements. Many workers now prefer to take the 30 Hour class in order to save time and money!
The 30 Hour OSHA course goes further in-depth on 10 Hour OSHA topics and also explores areas such as environmental health hazards, concrete and masonry safety, confined spaces, cranes and hoists, scaffolds, fire safety, and more. 30 Hour OSHA is required for supervisors and is part of new Local Law 196 SST requirements. For workers, either the 10 Hour or the 30 Hour OSHA can be used towards SST requirements. Many workers now prefer to take the 30 Hour class in order to save time and money!
Local Law 196 requires all construction workers and supervisors to receive additional training. This 10 Hour Core Bundle includes two essential courses – 8 Hour Fall Protection and 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness. We combine these classes to save time and money for our students. This 10 Hour course is required for the Supervisor SST card, and can also be combined with the 30 Hour OSHA to complete the Worker SST requirement.
This course is required to renew 32 Hour Supervisor certification, which is required after four years. Supervisors will reinforce their understanding of adequate safety practices on suspended scaffold projects, review regulations, and learn about recent rule changes. Students will also review applications of rope knots, block and tackle, hoist operation, and wire ropes.
This course is designed for experienced workers interested in suspended scaffold supervision with at least 1 year of practical experience in hoisting and rigging. This training can also benefit safety managers, superintendents, and individuals applying for a Master or Special Rigger’s license in NYC. Course material is more extensive than the user course and covers scaffold design drawings, rigging crew evaluation, proper haard training for workers, and emergency response procedures.
This course is required for anyone working on suspended scaffolds in New York City. The class is designed for entry level workers who have never worked on suspended scaffolds before. Students will learn about OSHA and DOB policies, procedures, and suspended scaffold standards with a detailed overview on prevention and recognition of hazardous conditions. Hands-on training will include rope knots, hoist operation, and various other scaffolding and rigging applications.
This course must be taken every 4 years to renew the 32 Hour Installer certification. Students will review scaffold hazards and controls and refresh their understanding of scaffold installation, removal, and modification.
Under Local Law 52, no individual may erect, dismantle, repair, maintain, or modify a supported scaffold that is 40 feet or more in height without this certification. This means if you build, dismantle, or even move planks on a supported scaffold, you must complete this course. Topics include pre-planning, scaffold components, rope knots, worker training, and how to properly read design drawings. Hands-on scaffold training gives students an opportunity to practice building and dismantling scaffolds, as well as standard rigging techniques.
Local Law 52 requires that anyone using a supported scaffold to perform job tasks regardless of the height must complete a 4 hour user course. Topics of the course include fall hazards, falling objects, fall protection equipment, and electrical hazards. Workers must keep this card on them while working on a supported scaffold in New York City, and are subject to random inspections by Buildings Inspectors. The 4 Hour scaffold course is also a requirement for the Supervisor SST card.
This course is designed for site safety managers and coordinators looking to renew their certification. It is also a requirement for the Supervisor SST card. The main focus of the course is on Chapter 33 of the NYC Building Code, which concerns the safety of the public and property during construction or demolition.
This course meets the city’s requirements for the Site Safety Coordinator license. It is a shorter safety management course designed for licensed architects and engineers, safety professionals, and workers with construction supervisor experience. Students will conduct a comprehensive review of safety guidelines and code requirements in NYC.
This training is required for individuals applying for a site safety manager, site safety coordinator, or construction superintendent license. It covers the NYC Building Code and updated regulations, additional agency requirements, and industry safety standards. Students will also learn how to navigate building department systems, including BIS and DOB NOW. 40 Hour SSM certification is also required for installing or modifying supported scaffolds higher than 40 feet.
This course is designed for workers who are involved in clean-up operations, emergency response, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled waste sites. Training includes hazard recognition, exposure limits, and risk evaluation. Students gain familiarity with detection and control methods, decontamination process, and how select and use worker protective equipment.
This course is designed for anyone who may have exposure to hazardous materials on the job, such as asbestos, radon, solvents, or even pesticides. Topics include GHS and SDS labels, toxicology, air monitoring, decontamination, and respiratory, eye, and skin protection. Note that the 24 course is geared towards occasional exposure within permissible levels, and is not suitable for workers engaged in extended clean-up operations.
The 30 Hour OSHA course goes further in-depth on 10 Hour OSHA topics and also explores areas such as environmental health hazards, concrete and masonry safety, confined spaces, cranes and hoists, scaffolds, fire safety, and more. 30 Hour OSHA is required for supervisors and is part of new Local Law 196 SST requirements. For workers, either the 10 Hour or the 30 Hour OSHA can be used towards SST requirements. Many workers now prefer to take the 30 Hour class in order to save time and money!
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets federal safety standards for construction industry employers and employees to follow. The 10 Hour OSHA course covers workers rights, employer responsibilities, PPE, and “focus four” hazards – falls, electrocution, struck-by, and caught in/between. In New York City, 10 Hour OSHA certification is the minimum requirement to begin working on a jobsite. Workers in NYC are then required to obtain the 40 Hour SST Worker card within 6 months.